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Dallas PPA Monthly Image Competition Results
  • January 20, 2016 5:29 PM | Rolf Kasper
    1/19/2016 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 420 84 13 "Dreading the Storm" - Bree Adams 90 85 83 82 80
    1 420 84 22 "Smooth Operator" - Daniel Fermaint 89 85 85 81 80
    2 415 83 9 "Handle with Care" - Jean Wall 85 84 84 82 80
    3 409 82 7 "The Gift" - Brooke Kasper 85 84 83 79 78
    398 80 18 "Joyfull Kicking" - Fujiko Yamamoto * 83 80 80 78 77
    396 79 3 "Autumn's Anticipation" - Angela Navarette 80 80 79 79 78
    396 79 6 "I am my Father's Doppelganger" - Don Chamblee 81 80 80 78 77
    396 79 25 "Lady in Waiting" - Melissa Vaughan 80 79 79 79 79
    394 79 2 "Half of Me" - David Quisenberry 80 80 78 78 78
    394 79 12 "Determined" - Chris Caho 82 81 80 77 74
    392 78 5 "Number 1 Bitch" - Penny Clark 80 80 79 79 74
    391 78 11 "Thinking Abouyt My Man" - Marc Friedland 80 79 79 78 75
    391 78 15 "2 Crumbs and a Cookie" - Katherine Hershey 84 79 78 75 75
    388 78 16 "Ron" - Brandon Donner * 79 79 78 77 75
    379 76 27 "Piano Lesson" - Stephen Shore 79 77 76 74 73
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 405 81 4 "Shelby Two Faced" - Ian Miller 83 82 81 81 78
    394 79 14 "Echoes of Silence" - Susan Thweatt 81 80 79 79 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 406 81 8 "Reflections in Horseshoe" - Mark Gluck * 87 83 82 78 76
    2 403 81 17 "Reaching" - Cheryl Mobley * 88 81 81 77 76
    397 79 21 "On The Edge" - Scott Booth 81 81 80 78 77
    393 79 23 "Alight on a Leaf" - Chrystal LeGrand 79 79 79 78 78
    392 78 10 "Sands of Time" - Shawna Hinkel 83 80 80 76 73
    392 78 24 "On my way to pray" - Lucy Huffstetter 80 80 79 79 74
    391 78 1 "Fisherman's Pier Pressure" - David Alley 79 79 79 78 76
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 417 83 20 "Please Don't Kiss My Bride" - Yosef Yetimgeta 89 88 82 80 78
    General Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 475 95 26 "Into the Mist" - JB Sallee 100 99 95 93 88
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 475 95 26 "Into the Mist" - JB Sallee 100 99 95 93 88
    * = 1st Year
  • November 11, 2015 9:48 AM | Rolf Kasper
    11/10/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 433 87 8 "Homage to Rembrandt" - David Edmonson 95 89 88 83 78
    2 414 83 5 "End of my rope" - Brooke Kasper 84 84 83 83 80
    3 412 82 13 "Hippie Girls" - Tim Fiss 85 84 82 82 79
    4 409 82 6 "This is my happy face" - Penny Clark 85 83 82 80 79
    409 82 10 "I see you" - Stephen Shore 85 83 81 80 80
    403 81 7 "Soul Searching" - Phaneendra Gudapati 84 81 80 80 78
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 418 84 15 "Forbidden Fruit" - Debra Klawetter 87 85 83 83 80
    2 412 82 4 "Under the lights" - Ian Miller 85 84 83 82 78
    3 396 79 2 "Looking for love" - Larry Embry * 80 80 80 78 78
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 425 85 3 "Mums the word" - Dan Ferguson 90 87 86 83 79
    2 398 80 12 "Sounds like thunder" - Shawna Hinkel 82 82 80 77 77
    3 392 78 14 "Volcans Hot" - Lucy Huffstetter 81 78 78 78 77
    4 391 78 1 "Cliffhanger" - David Alley 80 79 78 78 76
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 432 86 11 "Stairway to heavens gate" - Yosef Yetimgeta 90 87 85 85 85
    2 414 83 9 "Grace" - Luke Edmonson 89 85 84 80 76
    3 401 80 16 "Cast Away" - Jose Flores 86 81 79 78 77
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 433 87 8 "Homage to Rembrandt" - David Edmonson 95 89 88 83 78
    * = 1st Year
  • October 14, 2015 10:29 AM | Rolf Kasper
    10/13/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 447 89 25 "Tribute" - David Edmonson 92 91 90 89 85
    2 422 84 13 "The Secret" - Brooke Kasper 88 87 84 83 80
    3 419 84 10 "Draw me near" - Phaneendra Gudapati 88 86 85 83 77
    4 408 82 8 "A look back" - David Quisenberry 88 86 82 78 74
    406 81 4 "Your place or mine" - Penny Clark 85 82 81 79 79
    404 81 14 "precious Flower" - Angela Navarette 84 82 81 79 78
    388 78 18 "Cherish this moment" - Bree Adams 79 79 78 77 75
    385 77 6 "Midnight romance" - Marc Friedland 80 77 77 77 74
    381 76 12 "Musing" - Joanna Kitch * 78 78 76 76 73
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 407 81 1 "Spring Loaded" - David Alley 83 83 82 82 77
    2 399 80 17 "Peruvian Picnic" - Shawna Hinkel 82 82 79 78 78
    3 398 80 20 "Private Performances" - Debra Klawetter 82 82 78 78 78
    4 396 79 2 "the 3 hour tour returns" - Don Chamblee 82 80 78 78 78
    388 78 16 "Flora Notes" - Jana Rash 80 78 78 77 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 402 80 9 "Soaring the grand teton" - Scott Wilkes 86 83 78 78 77
    2 398 80 5 "Aspen Canopy" - Dan Ferguson 81 80 80 79 78
    3 395 79 11 "Mykenos Morning" - Susan Thweatt * 80 80 79 78 78
    4 392 78 3 "Sorbet Sky" - Lucy Huffstetter 80 79 78 78 77
    389 78 19 "Road of Less Decision" - Michael Campione 80 78 77 77 77
    374 75 7 "Piering Out" - Joanne Wright * 77 76 75 74 72
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 411 82 26 "Mary and Jerrett" - Luke Edmonson 85 84 84 81 77
    2 405 81 15 "Eternal Memory" - Yosef Yetimgeta 86 81 80 80 78
    Wedding Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 404 81 22 "Sweet Love" - Hoang Vu 85 81 80 80 78
    2 402 80 21 "4-4 ever" - Tamara Starkey * 82 82 82 79 77
    2 402 80 23 "Always and Forever" - Francie Baltazar Stonestreet 84 84 79 78 77
    General Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 393 79 24 "The Next Generation" - Jennifer Fermaint 82 81 80 77 73
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 447 89 25 "Tribute" - David Edmonson 92 91 90 89 85
    * = 1st Year
  • September 09, 2015 10:11 AM | Rolf Kasper
    9/8/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 427 85 14 "A study in light and shadow" - David Edmonson 89 88 86 86 78
    2 418 84 18 "Inner Struggle" - Brooke Kasper 87 86 83 83 79
    3 402 80 26 "Born for this role" - Jennifer Fermaint 85 81 80 78 78
    4 401 80 9 "Twice Blessed" - Bree Adams 84 81 79 79 78
    398 80 4 "Surprise" - David Alley * 85 80 79 78 76
    396 79 13 "Age of innocence" - David Quisenberry 84 80 78 78 76
    392 78 19 "Grace Refined" - Phaneendra Gudapati 82 79 79 77 75
    387 77 27 "Highway Passion" - Stephen Shore 80 79 77 76 75
    381 76 5 "Grand daughters" - Jack DiMaio * 79 79 75 75 73
    381 76 24 "My Pray" - Lucy Huffstetter 79 77 75 75 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 405 81 6 "All is Quiet" - Robert McNay * 83 83 80 80 79
    2 399 80 12 "Pillar of heaven" - JT Blenker 82 81 80 79 77
    2 399 80 20 "Two for the road" - Susan Thweatt * 82 80 80 79 78
    3 398 80 10 "Vintage Dancer" - Joanna Kitch * 83 80 79 78 78
    398 80 17 "Uncaged" - Courtney Mitchell 85 81 78 78 76
    395 79 11 "Family night at the ballpark" - Don Chamblee 83 80 78 77 77
    390 78 1 "She's a Keeper" - Lori Prouty 84 78 77 76 75
    380 76 21 "H2 On" - Karla Pitts 79 79 75 75 72
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 410 82 3 "You are my sunshine" - Dan Ferguson 85 84 82 81 78
    2 408 82 23 "Wine Lovers Paradise" - Shawna Hinkel 85 84 81 80 78
    3 407 81 22 "Poseidons gate" - Chris Caho 85 83 80 80 79
    4 405 81 16 "His Masterpiece" - Jean Wall * 86 83 80 79 77
    393 79 8 "Do You Want to Play" - Scott Wilkes 80 79 79 78 77
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 425 85 15 "The Stairs" - Luke Edmonson 89 87 86 84 79
    2 408 82 25 "The forgotten and the beautiful" - Yosef Yetimgeta 84 83 83 80 78
    Wedding Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 405 81 7 "Happy Wife, Happy Life" - Hoang Vu 83 82 82 80 78
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 427 85 14 "A study in light and shadow" - David Edmonson 89 88 86 86 78
    * = 1st Year
  • July 15, 2015 9:17 AM | Rolf Kasper
    7/14/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 420 84 7 "Sold" - Brooke Kasper 89 87 85 81 78
    2 410 82 9 "Last Call" - Daniel Fermaint 89 86 80 78 77
    3 400 80 13 "Unwrapped" - Phaneendra Gudapati 83 82 79 78 78
    4 399 80 10 "Lady in waiting" - Bree Adams 82 81 81 78 77
    399 80 18 "She said yes" - Shawna Hinkel 82 82 80 78 77
    396 79 2 "My roots run deep" - Don Chamblee 81 79 79 79 78
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 425 85 1 "Cuppaccino for Three" - Debra Klawetter 90 86 85 83 81
    2 421 84 8 "Ring of Fire" - Jennifer Fermaint 89 88 85 80 79
    3 408 82 6 "The Parlor" - Jack DiMaio * 84 84 84 78 78
    4 395 79 11 "Bridged Embrace" - Harout Yerganian 82 80 78 78 77
    388 78 17 "Sparring Partners" - Jason Anderson * 81 78 78 76 75
    387 77 12 "Joy of Flight" - Stephen Shore 80 78 78 77 74
    385 77 15 "The dreamer and her loyal companion" - Joanna Kitch 80 79 77 76 73
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 397 79 4 "Tetons in winter" - Scott Wilkes 85 80 80 76 76
    2 390 78 3 "Calm before the storm" - Penny Clark 81 81 78 75 75
    3 384 77 5 "Mirrored Mono" - David Alley * 80 79 78 75 72
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 423 85 14 "Old World Beauty" - Yosef Yetimgeta 90 88 85 82 78
    Wedding Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 396 79 16 "Together" - Hoang Vu 80 80 79 79 78
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 425 85 1 "Cuppaccino for Three" - Debra Klawetter 90 86 85 83 81
    * = 1st Year
  • June 10, 2015 8:22 AM | Rolf Kasper
    6/9/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 436 87 7 "Defiance" - Phaneendra Gudapati 92 91 90 85 78
    2 410 82 12 "Sentimental Journey" - Brooke Kasper 86 83 83 79 79
    3 407 81 6 "Pure of Heart" - Debra Klawetter 83 82 82 81 79
    4 395 79 8 "Twenty Seven" - Jami Clayman * 84 78 78 78 77
    393 79 4 "All dressed up and no place to go" - Chris Caho 81 80 78 77 77
    385 77 16 "At Second Glance" - Crystal Smith * 81 77 76 76 75
    376 75 3 "Medusa" - Dan Ferguson 78 75 75 74 74
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 398 80 2 "Rae of light" - David Alley * 86 80 79 78 75
    2 397 79 9 "Red Giant" - Ian Miller 86 79 78 77 77
    3 396 79 14 "Lost in Transit" - Stephen Shore 82 81 78 78 77
    4 389 78 17 "The Gatekeeper" - Angela Navarette 78 78 78 78 77
    371 74 13 "Yellowstone Bison at Sunset" - JT Blenker 76 76 74 74 71
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 397 79 21 "Angel Over The Trinity" - Don Chamblee 82 81 80 78 76
    2 386 77 22 "Honey, Do We Need To Ask For Directions" - Shawna Hinkel 80 79 77 75 75
    3 382 76 1 "Christinas Bicycle" - Jack DiMaio * 81 76 76 75 74
    4 380 76 20 "A Journey" - Lucy Huffstetter 79 76 76 75 74
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 417 83 15 "Unforgettable Kiss" - Yosef Yetimgeta 94 85 82 78 78
    2 407 81 5 "Grace" - Luke Edmonson 84 83 83 79 78
    3 382 76 10 "20's Love" - Tamara Starkey * 77 77 76 76 76
    Wedding Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 411 82 11 "A Sweet Life" - Hoang Vu 95 81 80 79 76
    General Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 385 77 19 "Mother and Daughters Best Friends Forever" - Joanna Kitch * 78 78 78 76 75
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 436 87 7 "Defiance" - Phaneendra Gudapati 92 91 90 85 78
    * = 1st Year
  • May 13, 2015 11:02 AM | Rolf Kasper
    5/12/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 418 84 13 "In rememberence" - Brooke Kasper 85 85 83 83 82
    2 410 82 11 "The Siren" - Phaneendra Gudapati 85 85 81 80 79
    3 394 79 27 "Tumbleweed Roundup" - Tim Fiss 84 80 79 78 73
    4 392 78 18 "Shades of Grace" - Penny Clark 81 79 78 78 76
    391 78 5 "Snow" - Tim Truelove 80 80 79 78 74
    388 78 15 "My Idol" - Jean Wall 79 79 78 77 75
    388 78 17 "Sweetnes" - Bree Adams 80 79 79 75 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 424 85 1 "Tail lights are all you see" - Ian Miller 93 84 84 83 80
    2 415 83 19 "The Branch" - Debra Klawetter 87 86 85 79 78
    3 407 81 4 "Yin and yang" - David Alley * 84 84 81 80 78
    4 405 81 21 "Monarchs Rule" - Angela Navarette 82 82 81 81 79
    401 80 14 "Still Standing" - Susan Thweatt 82 81 80 80 78
    400 80 2 "The Mermaid" - Don Champlin * 82 80 80 79 79
    399 80 6 "Christian Science Plaza" - Jack DiMaio * 82 81 79 79 78
    397 79 8 "Crabbys last stand" - Don Chamblee 81 80 79 79 78
    387 77 24 "When the Cards are Silent" - Stephen Shore 80 79 77 77 74
    385 77 3 "Woodland Nymph" - Jenna Whidby * 79 78 78 77 73
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 418 84 10 "Aspiring" - Scott Wilkes 87 86 82 82 81
    2 396 79 25 "Breaking News-The Birth of a Flower" - Lucy Huffstetter 81 80 80 78 77
    3 394 79 22 "Color on a Cloudy Day" - Shawna Hinkel 80 79 79 78 78
    4 392 78 23 "Doorway to the Universe" - JT Blenker 81 80 78 77 76
    392 78 28 "Poppies in bloom" - Joanna Kitch 84 80 78 78 72
    386 77 9 "Colorful St Thomas" - Marc Friedland 80 78 77 76 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 403 81 16 "Mesmerized" - Yosef Yetimgeta 84 81 80 80 78
    2 399 80 7 "Her Mothers blusher" - Luke Edmonson 82 80 80 80 77
    3 381 76 26 "Moment of solace" - Tim Bird 78 78 78 75 72
    377 75 12 "To the moon and back" - Harout Yerganian * 78 78 75 74 72
    Wedding Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 423 85 20 "A Dream Come true" - Hoang Vu 87 87 85 84 80
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 424 85 1 "Tail lights are all you see" - Ian Miller 93 84 84 83 80
    * = 1st Year
  • April 15, 2015 8:25 AM | Rolf Kasper
    4/14/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 445 89 17 "Red hat" - David Edmonson 95 92 90 86 82
    2 415 83 12 "Iron Man" - Don Chamblee 85 85 83 82 80
    3 401 80 18 "A tisket a tasket" - Bree Adams 84 82 80 78 77
    4 400 80 3 "Life is Ruff" - Penny Clark 83 81 80 78 78
    392 78 13 "One season to the next" - Chris Caho 80 78 78 78 78
    390 78 6 "Mesmerized" - Kristi Savage * 80 79 78 78 75
    382 76 9 "A peaceful Dream" - Marc Friedland 80 78 76 74 74
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 408 82 16 "Bourbon street blues" - Shawna Hinkel 90 80 80 80 78
    2 407 81 7 "Out of the park" - Jeanne Shelton * 85 84 81 80 77
    3 403 81 1 "Vive la France" - Stephen Shore 84 82 82 81 74
    4 402 80 5 "Deep impact Blue" - Ian Miller 83 82 80 79 78
    399 80 8 "Super Rabbit" - Don Champlin * 84 83 79 78 75
    397 79 15 "Evil Within" - Susan Thweatt * 83 82 81 78 73
    393 79 11 "Solumn Walk" - Clarence Saunders 80 80 79 79 75
    384 77 2 "Drink Me" - Dan Ferguson 80 79 75 75 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 401 80 20 "A place to stay" - Lucy Huffstetter 82 81 80 80 78
    2 399 80 21 "Reflections" - Joanna Kitch * 81 80 80 79 79
    3 392 78 19 "Sunset Sail boats" - Jack DiMaio * 80 79 78 78 77
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 427 85 14 "Timeless" - Yosef Yetimgeta 90 89 84 83 81
    2 426 85 10 "Flight of the Pheonix" - JB Sallee 86 86 85 85 84
    3 402 80 4 "Girls Best Friend" - Harout Yerganian * 84 80 80 80 78
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 445 89 17 "Red hat" - David Edmonson 95 92 90 86 82
    * = 1st Year
  • March 17, 2015 9:13 AM | Rolf Kasper
    3/10/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 470 94 21 "Family Time" - David Edmonson 97 95 95 93 90
    2 431 86 20 "Up on a pedasal" - David Quisenberry 89 88 88 85 81
    3 421 84 28 "Swan Lake" - Luke Edmonson 87 85 85 82 82
    4 419 84 9 "Unspoken" - Brooke Kasper 85 85 83 83 83
    405 81 25 "Baby Grand" - Tim Fiss 85 80 80 80 80
    402 80 30 "Putting on the ritz" - Gloria McDonald 84 80 80 79 79
    398 80 14 "Alejandra" - Don Chamblee 84 81 79 78 76
    395 79 10 "Royal Expections" - Courtney Mitchell 82 79 79 78 77
    389 78 13 "91 years young" - Stephen Shore 79 78 78 77 77
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 413 83 24 "The departure" - Chris Caho 92 81 80 80 80
    2 403 81 5 "Colorful Jazz" - Marc Friedland 88 85 79 78 73
    2 403 81 11 "Abandoned Love" - Susan Thweatt * 82 81 81 80 79
    3 395 79 2 "Memories" - Stephanie Rippe 83 80 79 78 75
    395 79 6 "Mom your date is here!" - Dan Ferguson 80 80 79 78 78
    394 79 7 "Taste the rainbow" - Janelle Twyford-Silvis 82 82 79 76 75
    391 78 15 "Golden refraction" - Melissa Vaughan 80 80 78 78 75
    391 78 26 "Frozen" - Aimee Woolverton 79 79 78 78 77
    384 77 4 "Intense Life" - Hoang Vu 79 79 77 77 72
    384 77 16 "Cold Ride" - Charles Ames 79 78 76 76 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 404 81 18 "Who Me" - Shawna Hinkel 83 82 82 80 77
    2 400 80 17 "The great blue heron" - Joanna Kitch 84 80 79 79 78
    3 396 79 19 "Life Guard Stand" - Jenna Whidby 83 80 79 78 76
    4 392 78 27 "First Light" - Rob Hull 83 80 79 77 73
    388 78 12 "And then there was one" - Kathy Ames 80 80 77 76 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 428 86 22 "Elegance" - Yosef Yetimgeta 91 91 86 81 79
    2 411 82 29 "To the moon and back for you" - JB Sallee 85 85 81 81 79
    3 398 80 23 "Beyond my dreams" - Jean Wall * 81 81 80 79 77
    4 393 79 8 "Going to the chapel" - Ambreen Zaveri 80 80 78 78 77
    Wedding Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 396 79 1 "Colors of Romance" - Munaza Saiyed 83 80 79 77 77
    General Album
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 407 81 3 "Gabriel" - Bree Adams 83 83 83 80 78
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 470 94 21 "Family Time" - David Edmonson 97 95 95 93 90
    * = 1st Year
  • February 18, 2015 8:14 AM | Rolf Kasper
    2/17/2015 DPPA Print Competition Results
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 464 93 27 "Luther Family" - David Edmonson 96 94 92 92 90
    2 432 86 25 "Draftig Freedom" - Tim Fiss 90 89 89 84 80
    3 409 82 26 "Accepting The Verdict" - Stephen Shore 91 82 80 78 78
    4 406 81 10 "Now I lay me down to sleep" - Brooke Kasper 88 83 81 77 77
    402 80 28 "Eyes for you" - Gloria McDonald 86 83 78 78 77
    401 80 3 "Seeking Refuge" - Amy Columbus 81 80 80 80 80
    401 80 13 "The trophy Wife" - Melissa Vaughan 86 81 79 79 76
    396 79 9 "Banana Envy" - Don Chamblee 84 80 80 77 75
    388 78 5 "Pale Blue" - Tamara Starkey * 81 80 77 77 73
    379 76 8 "New Generation Photography" - Zak Zatar 79 77 75 74 74
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 412 82 7 "10,000 Tears" - Bree Adams 86 85 82 81 78
    1 412 82 18 "Possessed" - Phaneendra Gudapati 85 84 83 80 80
    2 405 81 12 "Little red italian" - Ian Miller 88 83 78 78 78
    3 398 80 4 "Remember Me" - Dan Ferguson 83 81 79 78 77
    394 79 11 "Cold Shoulder" - Courtney Mitchell 82 80 80 79 73
    394 79 20 "The queen of broken hearts" - Chris Caho 80 79 79 78 78
    392 78 1 "What lies beyond the Tuscan Arch" - Joe Paul * 81 79 78 78 76
    388 78 14 "Oh dear, now where do you suppose" - Stephanie Rippe 84 79 78 74 73
    385 77 24 "Oil Patch Art" - Charles Ames 80 79 76 75 75
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 403 81 29 "Blue ti ful" - Shawna Hinkel 84 83 81 78 77
    2 394 79 19 "Winters Rose" - Kathy Ames 81 81 78 78 76
    3 392 78 2 "Timptons Cantilever Barn" - Rob Hull 80 79 79 78 76
    4 391 78 30 "Sharp as a spine" - Lucy Huffstetter 80 78 78 78 77
    390 78 23 "Morning Flight" - Joanna Kitch 80 79 79 78 74
    386 77 22 "Destin Dunes" - CeCe Skeith 82 78 78 76 72
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 432 86 15 "Graceful" - Yosef Yetimgeta 94 87 86 86 79
    2 423 85 31 "Captains Voyage" - JB Sallee 91 88 83 81 80
    3 382 76 17 "Amazing Couple" - Aftab Chagani 82 81 75 72 72
    3 382 76 21 "The Kiss" - Julie Shields 79 77 76 76 74
    381 76 6 "Pearls" - Crystal Smith * 79 78 76 76 72
    Top Score Trophy
    Rank Score Image No. Title and Maker Scores
    1 464 93 27 "Luther Family" - David Edmonson 96 94 92 92 90
    * = 1st Year


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