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July Meeting: Landon Day - Making Extra Income

  • July 14, 2015
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Slate at ll Creeks, 2701 Custer Parkway #905 Richardson, TX 75080


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • DPPA members attending this meeting, can also add a meal &/or print competition when registering. Guest registration available.
  • Please be sure and select if you would like a meal or no meal.
  • High School & College students are welcome to join us for our monthly meetings. Add a meal for an additional $10.
  • For first time visitors & members of other PPA guilds, please email for discount code.

Registration is closed

Landon Day
Making Extra Income

Meet Landon in a nut shell...
Boston is the greatest rock band of all time.
The Rangers are the team in DFW not the Cowboys.
Medium is a burnt steak.
Color blind.
Major and Minor in Studio art.
Sweet tea? Yes please.
Too loud? What’s that?
Modern Vintage, yes that is a term he made up.

Landon has a major and minor in studio art. Before opening his commercial portrait studio full time in 2009 he was a high school art and photography teacher. Landon has gone from being a no one in the photography world to traveling the country teaching and sharing with others what he is doing while keeping no secrets.  Landon is a CPP Liaison and already has the merits for his photographic craftsman degree in January.

Class description…
Ever wonder what else you can use the gear you already have for extra income?  I did to.  As a photographer struggling to support a growing family while doing photography full time I asked my self questions like this all the time.  What if I told you I am not working anymore hours and am making all my bills and then some by adding real estate photography to the mix?  Curious? Come see me in July at DPPA.  I am a guy who keeps no secrets, I am just a nerd who likes to share. 

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