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Texas School

  • April 28, 2013
  • May 03, 2013
  • InterContinental Hotel and Conference Center in Addison
Texas School
April 28th, - May 3th, 2013
InterContinental Hotel and Conference Center
15201 Dallas Parkway, Dallas Tx. 75001
Registration begins 11:00 pm Jan 3, 2013

In 2012 we had over 1,000 photographers attend this great school...providing 36 classes from which to choose. Every year, attendance tops the numbers from the previous year...and in 2013, we expect enrollment to bust 1,000 again.  The cost?  $495 for TPPA members, which includes all evening meals. This is the best education value in the country with the finest instructors in the industry.

This year we gave away over $50,000 in door prizes, I hope you are planning on being with us for Texas School 2012! Registration for The Texas School of Photography will begin at 11 PM, January 3, 2013 .
Each year, most classes fill within the first 5 minutes!   

If you've ever attended our school, you know just how much fun it can be. Just being able to spend five days with the instructor of your choice is worth it all. However, in addition to the intense instruction from some of the best photography minds in the business, there are also social events every night throughout the week, with plenty of fun, food and fellowship. What happens when you gather 1,000 photographers together in one place and tell them to have a blast for one week? Answer: TEXAS SCHOOL!

2013 will be our 38th anniversary for Texas School. Our new home is the InterContinental Hotel and Conference
Center in Addison ( north Dallas )
April 28th, - May 3th, 2013
So remember, registration will be January 3rd 2013, at 11:00PM.

Watch the web site for updated information.

Don Dickson
TSPP Executive Director

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Dallas Professional Photographers Association
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