Terry Wier
Pursuing Who You Were Designed To Be
What was the event or experience that motivated you to begin photographing? The root of that passion is the key to survival and growth. Your vision is tied to the first photo experience where your inner self said “wow”. Reviving the passion is the key element to success in the future. To explore the concept of vision there are several steps we must look at.
Your personal vision is the way you see what is there. It is not always the same as what you do for a living. Personal work is the engine that drives your growth and brings better work to you. How to define your vision is essential. We will look at steps to hone and develop your personal vision. This is what will truly set you apart from the competition.
What does your heart, your inner-self say about life? This is the core of vision. Making beautiful pictures to make lots of money never lasts as a goal. Burn out or images without passion define the collective mediocre middle ground. There are many photographers in each market that fill the 80% of middle ground. Spending your money and time getting better software or equipment will only occupy you for a short while, but never fill the need to for a clear voice and vision. Spending your energy to emulate the standard in your specialty will never get you where you should be. A copy of a great is still always a copy. The world desires an original, not a copy.
In this time together we will explore ways to develop the foundation of your vision, to exercise it and refine it.
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